Send email alerts with Kibana basic (free) license

With Kibana’s basic license you can only use Index and Server log connectors for alert monitors, other connectors like Email require a Gold license instead.

As a work around, you can send emails with the Server log connector using swatchdog instead.

In Kibana, I added an alert monitor with condition:

WHEN Max OF system.filesystem.used.pct IS ABOVE 95% 
FOR THE LAST 1 minute

and a default server log action message:

{{alertName}} - {{}} is in a state of {{context.alertState}}


When this alert is triggered, Kibana logs a message like the following to /var/log/kibana/kibana.log:

{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2022-05-31T16:12:49+01:00","tags":["info","plugins","actions"],"pid":33378,"message":"Server log: Disk Usage Monitor - is in a state of ALERT;;Reason:;system.filesystem.used.pct is greater than a threshold of 95% (current value is 96.9%) for;"}

I then installed the swatchdog package, and added to /root/.swatchdogrc:

watchfor /Server log/
exec /root/scripts/ '$_'

swatchdog matches the entire Server log line that’s stored by Kibana, and passes it to my script in the $_ variable.

In /root/scripts/, I have a basic email template:

cat <<EOF | sendmail -t
To: [email protected]
Subject: Kibana Alert
From: [email protected]

Kibana has flagged the following:
$(echo $1 | tr '"' '\n' | sed -n '8p;22p')


I’m converting the " separators from the Kibana log into new lines, then printing just lines 8 and 22 which are the timestamp and error message respectively.

I run swatchdog via a systemd script, in /etc/systemd/system/swatchdog.service:

Description=Swatchdog Service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/swatchdog --daemon -c /root/.swatchdogrc -t '/var/log/kibana/kibana.log'

When the alert triggers in Kibana, I receive an email containing:

Kibana has flagged the following:
Server log: Disk Usage Monitor - is in a state of ALERT;;Reason:;system.filesystem.used.pct is greater than a threshold of 95% (current value is 96.9%) for;